Hi! I’m your neighbor, Eileen Birmingham, and I want to serve as your second ward representative on the Montclair Township Council. I am a research physician who has spent a lot of time thinking about Montclair—its strengths and challenges. Among other issues, I have advocated for a sustainable budget, fairer shared service agreements with neighboring towns, library funding, and transparent meetings with virtual access.

I love Montclair and genuinely care about our future together. I will also bring many useful skills to the Town Council. I have extensive experience operating in complex situations in a highly collaborative way, and I am adept at building consensus and guiding teams in data-driven decision-making.

I look forward to connecting with you!


When considering our challenges and their potential solutions, I am guided by the following principles: Fairness, Affordability, Community engagement, Transparency, and Safety & Sustainability—FACTS.

Fairness means I listen and seek equitable solutions to our problems. I believe in a fair allocation of resources to create a community where people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds can thrive.

Affordability because Montclair pays the highest average taxes among all similarly-sized NJ municipalities. We need to evaluate all aspects of our budget. Ensuring residents are not priced out of their homes by high taxes is essential to maintaining our community's diversity.

Community Engagement makes government more inclusive, participatory, and responsive. I envision a strategic planning process that allows all residents to help clarify our priorities and define our goals. Community engagement is especially important when tackling pressing issues like street safety.

Transparency is essential for implementing other open government principles, such as accountability and stakeholder participation. We need timely and accurate data about our town to inform stakeholders and decision-makers. 

Safety & Sustainability concerns must be at the forefront of our strategic planning, including infrastructure investments that protect pedestrians, foster climate resiliency, improve walkability, and support active transportation.

Montclair’s Municipal Elections Are On Tuesday, May 14!

The Montclair Township Council makes many decisions that affect our everyday lives.  Your vote is essential to building a sustainable community where we can all thrive! Please put the elections on your calendar and make a plan to vote!

  • You can register to vote online here if you are not already registered.

  • To vote on May 14, you must be registered or transfer your registration to Montclair by April 23.

  • You may check your registration here to ensure you are registered at your current address.

  • May 7 is the deadline to request a mail-in ballot. Complete this form and mail it to the Essex County Clerk.

  • Early voting will be available from May 10 to the 12 (Friday through Sunday).